Kaikki tulokset Tulos

Smart Energy

New, innovative energy related services

The energy system of Helsinki’s Kalasatama, the first model area for smart energy systems in Finland, will be complemented with ABB’s latest digital technology and unique ring network solution. Both solutions are the first of their kind on the scale of Finland. They will ensure that power supply in the developing Kalasatama district will be as uninterruptible as possible.

In traditional electrical grids, electricity flows in one direction – from the energy company to consumers. In new smart grid solutions, the direction of electricity passing through the transformer substation can vary depending on the situation. For example, as small solar and wind power systems become more common, there will be increasing needs to feed electricity back to the grid.

The energy system also works as a development platform for new, innovative energy related services. Residents’ energy data has been opened first time for third parties during agile piloting programme.

